What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.

Those were the words of Aristotle, a Greek philosopher who is known by the majority of the world. It is saying that “Virtue lies in our power, and similarly so does vice; because where it is in our power to act, it is also in our power not to act...”
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outline a comprehensive framework to address the world's most pressing environmental, social, and economic challenges. While achieving these goals requires collective action at all levels, individual efforts play a crucial role in driving meaningful change. Here are a few contributions I have done in promoting the SDG.
Every year, my neighbourhood would make a environmental clean-up campaign and I would volunteer every time. The reason is because living in a cleaner environment is more comfortable than a dirty and messy one. By participating in environmental clean-up campaigns and community development projects, individuals contribute to local solutions and inspire others to take action. Volunteering provides an opportunity to address specific challenges, create networks, and collectively work towards achieving the SDGs.
Other than that, conserving energy, water, and other natural resources helps combat climate change, preserve biodiversity, and ensure the availability of resources for future generations. Simple actions like turning off lights, using public transportation, and practicing water-saving techniques significantly contribute to SDG targets. Most of the time when I am going out with a friend, I prefer to use public transportations like LRTs and MRTs because the amount of petroleum used and the release of carbon monoxide could be reduced. 
Lastly, opting for environmentally friendly products, supporting local and organic goods, reducing waste, and practicing mindful consumption are tangible ways to advance the SDGs. By demanding sustainable and ethically produced goods and services, individuals influence businesses to adopt sustainable practices and contribute to a more sustainable economy. I personally think that the reduction of plastic bag usage in major shopping malls to be very good. Nowadays, they charge 10 cents for a single bag, and some malls do not even sell them anymore, opting for a paper bag instead. I also bring my own shopping bag as it is more environmental-friendly and cost-efficient.
As a conclusion, as an individual, I am unable to bring a lot of difference towards achieving the SDG, however I am doing what I can, and as Lao Tzu said, "Great acts are made of small deeds". This shows that even with little efforts, if everyone works together and adheres to the same ethical actions, if Allah wills, the SDGs can be achieved.


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